Under this greened curtain swims
seven frogs and worlds
unseen. We break the surface
tension, but still we buzz.
Even on this bench, the quiet
energies around us
chirp like missing ‘munks.
Leafs fall—crashing
through our seated contentment.
Would you sit and croak with me?
The sassafrases have yellowed
but still their mittens wave.
The feathers are lost, but we
hear the calling. Birds
and bills and buried reaches. We
feel that flight through
whispered winds, even as trees
grow barren. No lilies
in sight of our floating greened pad.
Could you float a while longer with me?

Rebecca Thrush grew up in central Massachusetts and currently works in property management. When not working she enjoys writing poetry, painting, and creating digital collages. Published pieces of hers can be found on Instagram @rebeleigh92.
EDITOR'S SONG PAIRING: Floating While Dreaming (feat. Frecks) - Mr. Floyd Larry