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3 Poems By Gerard Sarnat


Journaling: Corpus Callosum* Rainbow--> Cousin’s Sunday Special Dump At Mendocino Refuge Disposal Site

Bringin’ it all back to what feels just like our 2nd home in cuz’s Mendo back cottage I am content hour doing sweeping meditation before guests arrive later until 4 of us relatives start marveling at this glorious world entrusted in Homo sapiens that we are both celebrating + begun to totally ruin.

a broad band of nerve fibers joining the two hemispheres of the brain

PISCES? [ii]

i.their hilarious but not so pacific incomprehensible sunburst restitution

oooh eeew you just too tiny 🐟 that clean rows of teeth above🐊

prehensile whipsaw tails--jiggy sketchy thumbnail settled quickly

in now meteoric wilderness of mirrors--all care

& feeding gone to ground which beggars

comparison + defies prison definition--

fall-down drunk --or crack wise inside

metaphoric oceanic orange jumpsuits

ii.Different Delish Strokes When We Folks Break Fasts

My partners always were bread, butter, cheese or potato girls

While you are more into fruit, vegetables plus sometimes fish.


Vivid Vivo Virtual Vision: Saturday Night [Pre Dinner Now At 77 Writing] Fever

Nights in white satin, never reaching the end

Letters I've written, never meaning to send

Beauty I've always missed, with these eyes before

Just what the truth is, I can't say anymore...

--Justin Hayward (19 years-old)/ Moody Blues, Nights in White Satin, 1967

Yeah I’ve been through this drill before starting with listening to the song above in a friend

plus partner’s hip Silverlake pad certainly during Los Angeles’ version of Summer of Love.

Then during medical school etcetera so many autopsy room cadavers under thin white linen.

And the last year of training, if recalled correctly, when attended virginal open casket funeral.

As we aged, that pace picked up until parents’ generation all gone -- thus now it is ours’s turn.

Tonight I will dream my peaceful face peaks [not sic] from thick-cotton-shroud-covered body.


Gerard Sarnat has been nominated for the pending 2022 Science Fiction Poetry Association Dwarf Star Award, won San Francisco Poetry’s 2020 Contest, the Poetry in the Arts First Place Award plus the Dorfman Prize, and has been nominated for handfuls of 2021 and previous Pushcarts plus Best of the Net Awards. Gerry is widely published including in 2022 Awakenings Review, 2022 Arts & Cultural Council of Bucks County Celebration, 2022 Rio Grande Valley International Poetry Festival Anthology, BigCityLit, HitchLit Review, Lowestoft, Washington Square/NYU Review, The Deronda Review, Jewish Writing Project, Hong Kong Review, Tokyo Poetry Journal, Buddhist Poetry Review, Gargoyle, Main Street Rag, New Delta Review, Arkansas Review, Hamilton-Stone Review, Northampton Review, New Haven Poetry Institute, Texas Review, Vonnegut Journal, Brooklyn Review, San Francisco Magazine, Monterey Poetry Review, The Los Angeles Review, and The New York Times as well as by Slippery Rock, Northwestern, Pomona, Harvard, Stanford, Dartmouth, Penn, Columbia, North Dakota, McMaster, Maine, University of British Columbia and University of Chicago presses. He is a Harvard College and Medical School-trained physician who’s built and staffed clinics for the marginalized as well as a Stanford professor and healthcare CEO.Currently he is devoting energy/ resources to deal with climate justice, and serves on Climate Action Now’s board. Gerry’s been married since 1969 with progeny consisting of four collections (Homeless Chronicles: From Abraham To Burning Man, Disputes, 17s, Melting the Ice King) plus three kids/ six grandsons — and is looking forward to potential future granddaughters. Visit


These pieces reflect moot mood recently turning 77.

SONG PAIRING: The Moody Blues - Nights in White satin '67 --- rogerionemesis





© 2022-PRESENT by dipity literary magazine

Dipity Literary Magazine aims to shine a light on a wide array of underrepresented voices from different parts of the world including BIPOC, LGBTQ+, creators with disabilities, and also those from Instagram, or aspiring poets. We accept unpublished poetry of all styles i.e. haikus, art, prose, spoken audio, and short fiction stories. Short stories are the exception of previously published ones.  Additionally, we spotlight discovered unique writing styles through a bonus shares section and musicians who are supportive of the poetry world.  Dipity leverages visual morph art,  photography, and experimental digital collage work in each issue. Dipity values human kindness, exposing heartfelt truths, and taking time to have fun in writing while pushing traditional boundaries. You must write what you truly feel and release every slippery banana peel in this dimension. 

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