My Teabag Pops Up
(with a wink for Wordsworth)
My teabag pops up
like a frog in hot water
so I stir with
measured breathing.
Sometimes a spoon
is all you need
to save a self
from seething.

You can count on the staff there
to show you the way.
They’ve got headband,
and sweet skunk, and
northern lights
on display.
They sell buds by the bushel,
guaranteed to transform:
You can roll, lick, and light ’em,
and suck up a storm.
You can chew ’em or drop ’em —
whatever you choose.
Turn on some music and
turn off the news.
Here’s a sample I brought you:
much better than flowers:
This little number
will stone you
for hours.

Frank William Finney’s poems have appeared in Capsule Stories, Compass Rose, Grand Little Things, Lucky Jefferson, and elsewhere. His collection The Folding of the Wings was published in 2022 by Finishing Line Press. A native of Massachusetts, he taught literature in Thailand for twenty-five years. Find him nodding on Twitter @FinneyFw.