Nightmare Fuel
A flock of blackbirds are carrying tomorrow's apocalypses. I am watching the sky cocktail into beautiful shades of blue. My face is warmed by a sauna of sunlight. Soon, I will witness the slow detonation of time. The culprit will be my notebook leaking its nightmares, turning everything into a plague – even my watch, innocent as a kitten.

Late Summer Redux
It is late summer. Our bodies are leaking wildfires. Everything watching will be charred. Such is the price of desire. The field will scream for us. Our bodies are leaking wildfires. Everything watching will be charred. Crickets will perform a forensic investigation after we have gone. The rain will wash away all traces of what we had. The field will be a piano screaming the blues.

Christian Ward is a UK-based poet with recent work in Red Ogre Review, In Parentheses, Rainbug Poetry Review, and Tin Can Poetry. New work is forthcoming in Dream Catcher. He was longlisted for the 2023 Aurora Prize for Writing, shortlisted for the 2023 Ironbridge Poetry Competition, and won the 2023 Cathalbui Poetry Competition.
EDITOR'S SONG PAIRING: weareanathema — Wildfires